
Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

7 Jembatan Terindah di Dunia

FUNGSI jembatan bukan lagi sekadar penghubung sebuah daerah, tetapi telah menjadi ikon sebuah kota. Kali ini, kami mengenalkan kepada Anda mengenai jembatan yang terbesar dan terbaik di dunia dengan struktur dan desain yang unik.
1. Rainbow Bridge (Tokyo, Jepang)
Sesuai dengan namanya, jembatan ini selalu berubah warna lampunya di malam hari. Rainbow bridge berada tepat diatas pelabuhan laut Tokyo yang menghubungkan dua kawasan hiburan populer, Odaiba dan Minato-ku.

Dengan delapan jalur lalu lintas, dua jalur rel, trotoar khusus pejalan kaki, dan menara pemancar, jembatan gantung terbesar di dunia tersebut telah muncul dalam beberapa film, termasuk Lost in Translation dan Kill Bill Vol.1.

Fragile and Elegant

7 Kupu-Kupu Terindah di Dunia

1. Purple Spotted Swallowtail
Kupu-kupu Purple Spotted Swallowtail adalah kupu-kupu yang tidak diragukan lagi keindahannya, tapi habitatnya semakin terancam. Hanya dapat ditemukan di dataran tinggi Papua Nugini, kupu-kupu indah ini berasal dari keluarga Papilionidae, dan merupakan kupu-kupu yang sangat langka.
2. Red Lacewing

Big and Beautiful

10 Istana termegah dan terindah di dunia

1. Mohatta Palace, Karachi, Pakistan

2. King’s Palace, Thailand

High voice... IU

IU memulai debutnya pada 24 September 2008 dengan Mini album pertama-nya-, Lost And Found, di mana dia dipuji oleh berbagai artis Korea dan kritikus untuk vokal yang kuat dibawakannya dalam judul lagu, “Missing Child”.  IU yang memiliki nama asli Lee Ji Eun, dan lahir pada 16 Mei 1993

Namun, album ini tidak sukses secara komersial.  Pada tanggal 16 April 2009, IU kembali dengan album pertama berjudul Growing Up, dengan judul lagu  “Boo.”. Dalam waktu tiga minggu, “Boo” berhasil  mencapai  pertama# 1untuk SBS Inkigayo. Lagu ini juga berhasil di KBS Music Bank , Mnet Countdown , dan berbagai chart musik online.
IU juga sering mengcover lagu lagu terkenal dengan gitar nya,  SHINee “Juliette”, Big Bang “Lies”, Super Junior “Sorry sorry” dan SNSD “Gee”.

Hot Girl Band JYP... Miss A

Miss A (Korean: 미쓰에이), commonly stylized as miss A, is a four member South Korean and Chinese girl group based in South Korea. They were formed by JYP Entertainment and are managed by AQ Entertainment. The group consists of Fei, Jia, Min and Suzy.
Fei and Jia are considered two of the four best recognized female celebrities of Chinese origin active in the South Korean entertainment scene, along with f(x)'s Victoria Song and fashion model Wei Sun. Fans of Miss A are called Say A



Cute Hanbok

Pakaian tradisional Korea disebut Hanbok. “Han” adalah sebutan bagi Korea, dan “bok” berarti pakaian. Jadi, secara harfiah orang Korea pun sebenarnya hanya menyebut pakaian mereka sebagai “pakaian korea”, berbeda dengan orang jawa yang menyebut kebaya sebagai pakaian tradisional mereka. Orang Korea sangat bangga terhadap hanbok sebagai identitas pakaian tradisional mereka. ada sedikit perbedaan penyebutan nama pakaian ini antara KOrea Selatan dengan KOrea Utara. Karakteristik yang menjadi keunggulan Hanbok adlaha potongan siluetnya yang simpel dan warna-warnanya yang atraktif dan indah. Jika Hanbok digunakan oleh orang-orang di KOrea selatan, Orang Korea Utara menyebut “Jeoseon ot” (저선 옷). Ini tidak mengherankan, karena, pakaian tradisional Korea yang paling terkenal adalah pakaian yang berkembang di zaman dinasti Jeoseon, dinasti terakhir KOrea. Sebelum masa dinasti Jeoseon, hanbok lebih rumit dan tidak praktis untuk dikenakan saat melakukan pekerjaan sehari hari.
Pemakaian Bahan dan warna hanbok di zaman dulu pun tidak sembarangan. Kaum Bangsawan (YAngban/양반) pada umumnya memakai hanbok berbahan dasar serat rami dan berwarna-warna yang indah. Sedangkan rakyat biasa hanya memakai bahan yang murah -karena tak mampu membeli yang berbahan mahal- dan warna yang digunakan adalah warna patel, seperti puti, kuning pucat dan biasanya berwarna sama antara atasan dengan bawahan. Hingga saat ini, orang Korea masih sering memakai Hanbok di upacara-upacara atau hari hari peringatan seperti Chuseok atau Seol-nal (hari Imlek).

The dream Hotels.. Aaahhh

Who wants to stay in the most unique Hotel in this world? Say “aaaaaaaaaa” hehehe.. This are the top ten of the most unique hotels in this world.

Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel that is located at the heart of Dubai city in United Arab Emirates. It was designed to imitate sail of the ship and is the second tallest hotel in the world. Standing on the artificial island Burj Al Arab is connected to mainland by private curving bridge. It is both luxurious and unique due to its form as well as contents. The hotel has 28 double-story floors and 202 suites and also offers restraints and large seawater aquarium.

Liberty Hotel, Boston, USA

Dream food... Slluuurrpp

This are the most delicious food in the world..

Indonesia, daebak!! first and second rank.. hahaha 

1. Rendang, Indonesia


2. Nasi goreng, Indonesia

The Dream City


The Dream City

You'll find cities claiming to be "the Venice of the North," "the Venice of Africa," "the Venice of the East"... Any city crossed by canals or with colorful buildings sitting on the water's edge wants to be associated with the image of the world's most beautiful city. But the beauty of Italy's Venice is unrivalled and the entire city is one work of art. It's also one of only a few cities in the world that can be described as truly unique, where main "streets" are canals, there are no cars or traffic jams, and the mixture of Renaissance, Byzantine, Gothic, and Baroque architecture leaves anyone wondering if this magical cityscape is real at all.

The fairytale or theatrical atmosphere is then enhanced by the carnival mask shops, romantic gondola rides, and colorful palazzos. Everywhere you turn is a postcard image of this unequalled urban masterpiece.

Nothing quite prepares you for Venice, even after seeing it a million times in tourist brochures, guidebooks, or films. You'll fall in love at first sight and will stand in awe of its architecture, piazzas, and canal views until the very last minute before you leave. You'll have the designer shops, sophisticated bars, classy restaurants, galleries, and other tempting attractions to go indoors, but nothing can prevent you from going back to standing by a canal admiring the most spectacular city ever created, over and over again.

Apa yaa??

My Own Dream
          What is my own dream. I have a lot of dreams which are still not get it yet. Those are:
·        Entering best college in Australia.
·        Become successful woman in Indonesia.
·        Go to around the world by my own self.
·        Bring my parents to go hajj.
·        Make my parents proud of me.

English is Fun

Why should be English?
          Why most of the articles here are written in English? This is one of my learning media to improve my writing skill in both Indonesia and English.
          Tips for to be a devil (bravery person)
·        Don’t care for the small mistake but never repeating again.
·        Willingness to be better.
·        Willingness to try although dunno it’s correct or incorrect.
·        Wanna learn from our mistaken.
·        No bad mindset to the critics from the people around.
So, have enjoying try guys!!! ^_^

Dreaming? Why not?

What is DREAM???
         Why dream? Maybe most of the people think that dreaming is useless activity today because nothing real value that day. I think that people are totally wrong. It’s not because I’m dream freak but, I just think that if “no Dream no Future”. Why it can be like that? Just think about it, if someone asked you about what will you want to be in future? You will say I wanna be … in future, it means that you have imagine or dreaming about your future.


Debate Competition, got  3rd Winner

My Organization


I've Tried The Best

My AFS experience (Exchange Students Program)
          When I was in X grade, I was interested in AFS program which was sent my senior to USA without any charge. To join this competition I needed to prepared many kinds of files such as copied of report legalized until Junior High School files were needed a lot that time. After we were completing the files, we collected that files and waiting for the next test.

Cerpen Pertamaku..

Ujian untuk kepercayaan
            Think about you make me feels right to stand above all this beauty…….
          Hoaaemmm… Jam di cellphone-ku menunjukkan pukul 3 pagi. Seperti biasa, aku akan bangun untuk mematikan alarm yang setiap pagi selalu dengan ceria bernyanyi untuk membangunkan aku yang sedang bermain-main di dunia yang sering disebut dengan ‘bunga tidur’ ini. Tapi, hari ini aku tidak melakukan ritual seperti biasa yang biasanya setiap hari aku lakukan. Pagi ini, setelah aku terbangun dari tidurku, aku langsung beranjak dari ranjangku dan langsung meraih cellphone-ku. That Should Be Me by Justin Bieber-lah tujuanku kenapa aku meraih cellphone-ku dengan segera. Yah begitulah, lagu tersebut telah membuatku teringat kepada ‘First Love’ ku dan puisi bernada itu juga sangat mendukung suasana hatiku saat ini.
Hari ini tanggal 10 Mei 2011, aku menerima permintaan special dari ‘First Love’ ku untuk melihat pertandingan basketnya di Kampus STIKI, tepat setengah lima sore ini. Karena hal yang sangat special itulah, aku merelakan waktu bermimpi-mimpiku berkurang untuk menyiapkan baju yang ‘mungkin’ akan aku kenakan nanti. Setelah tak terasa olehku lagu Justin Bieber telah aku putar selama 7 kali (ha ha ha dasar terlalu menjiwai lagu), aku membuka lemariku dan mengambil kaos merah hati untuk latihan dan juga untuk aku kenakan nanti saat datang ke pertandingan ‘First Love’ ku. Oh ya hampir aja kelupaan ‘tak kenal maka tak sayang’, kebetulan orang tuaku memberiku nama Astrid Fitria Febryanti Pramono dan setelah menerima mufakat dari kedua orang tuanya, ‘First Love’ ku itu di beri nama Fitriadi Eko Prayitno.  

My Dislike

              My dislike is all about the opposite of My Love. I really hate an animal called “Tokek”. I think I know why I hate this animal, coz not only myself who hates this kind of creepy animal. Its skin which is rough and dangerous if we touch that and also its voice which is believe as the sign of the ghost coming, is the most useless voice to hear.

My Like

          I love everything about ART. Start from the traditional until the most modern kinds of dance, song or music, drama TV or movie, souvenir, painting, and etc. About dancing, I’ve loved this start when I was in Kindergarten. Is not a fantastic thing, coz my mother also a dancer until now. She gave me her talent through my blood. This talent of mine, was shown up when my teacher in Kindergarten chosen me to be the leader of traditional dancing group. I can’t remember what kind dance which was I’ve performed, but I thought it was around 5 dances.
By increasing day, my skill was going better. My favorite dance is “Remo Suroboyo” and “Jejer Jaran Dawuk”. I also got achievements when I was dancing both dances. I got fresh money, bag, trophy, certificate, and many others. Not only traditional dance, I also love the modern one. I also can imitate the movements of Korea’s girl band and boy band songs. For example, “Genie” by SNSD, “Roly Poly” by T-ARA, “So Cool” and “Ma Boy” by SISTAR, “Good Bye Baby” by MISS A, and “Mr. Simple” by Super Junior.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

The Best... JJAANG!!

My Favorite Classmates, “TENFINITY”
I miss this moment... T_T

            Tenfinity, was one of the greatest boon which was God had giving to me. This story began when I was starting study in Malang by myself, no close friends and no parents. I never thought if I will get best friends like them, coz when I came to this class I felt so alone. On the first day I wonder if there’s nobody whom want to share the chair with me, but that was totally wrong. Lidia Marina Setiawan was break my bad thinking on that time. She was very kind to me until now. I called her as “mbak” coz on Malang, she is my helper to understanding the environment, condition, and people there and coz she is older than me. We always share our family, JHS friends, lesson, like and dislike, and many other story to each other.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

I'm in REALITY..

My Biography
I’m a girl who was born on PASURUAN, February 18th, 1996. My lovely mother’s name is Yanti Ratna Dewi and my guardian father’s name is Adi Pramono. I’m one only child who live in older environment around my age. For my study, I was starting study in Miftakhul Ulum Kindergarten when