
Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

The Best... JJAANG!!

My Favorite Classmates, “TENFINITY”
I miss this moment... T_T

            Tenfinity, was one of the greatest boon which was God had giving to me. This story began when I was starting study in Malang by myself, no close friends and no parents. I never thought if I will get best friends like them, coz when I came to this class I felt so alone. On the first day I wonder if there’s nobody whom want to share the chair with me, but that was totally wrong. Lidia Marina Setiawan was break my bad thinking on that time. She was very kind to me until now. I called her as “mbak” coz on Malang, she is my helper to understanding the environment, condition, and people there and coz she is older than me. We always share our family, JHS friends, lesson, like and dislike, and many other story to each other.

Day by day, I became felt comfortable with all of the members of Tenfinity. Hanged out together is our habitual action to increase our togetherness. First place which was we were going together is “P-wec”. On there we were just doing observation about many ways to recycle many kinds of rubbish. Lot of picture which were we took there. Second place is Ais’s house for doing “Buka Bersama”. The bonds of friendship were makeup lot that day. There were many place which were we visit together until there was an event which was very reminding me about how valuable Tenfinity is.
That event was “DMF”. The members of Tenfinity were believe in me, Fauqi, Ekik, Odot, and Zidan to performed on that special event. We were practicing while facing 1st semester examination test. Day by day were passing smoothly until the show began. We were having fun together on that day, dancing together, and also singing together. That was our best day ever before something happen and separating us. After DMF was over, the 1st semester holiday had begun.
We were enjoying our holiday by ourselves. Until two weeks passed, we started study again. But something bad came on that time. Some of Tenfinity members should going to Olympiad Class. Achmad Syahrul Angga, Agus Eka Prasetyo, Dania Dwi Dimiati, Dedy Zulkharnain Purnamaadi, Dhifa Kurniasari, Irfin Sandra Asti, Kukuh Cakra Darma Heru, and Milasari all of them were going to Olympiad Class. That moment was breaking my heart and all of the Tenfinity members. Day by Day we spent our last time before going to XI grade with only 28 people.
Although we were lost our beloved friends in our class, but we never lost them coz they will always staying in deep of my heart. 

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